Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Integral Model of Leadership and Management

Dr Ron Cacioppe developed the Integral Leadership and Management Framework after reviewing twenty years of research on leadership and management. At the core of this framework is Ken Wilber's Integral Theory. The quadrants, translated into people wellbeing, culture, effectiveness and efficiency, incorporate the skills and behaviours of individuals, teams and organisations in terms of contemporary leadership and management.

Dr Cacioppe describes Integral Theory as the new paradigm for the 21st century since it provides a new and holistic way of seeing ourselves and the purpose of work in organisations. The Integral Leadership and Management Framework also incorporates the research of Harvard Professor John Kotter, which describes the fundamental aspects and differences of leadership and management. Dr Cacioppe has also built his model upon the work of Robert Quinn's Competing Values Framework, one of the most recognised and researched leadership frameworks in Europe and the US, describing eight roles of leadership and management.

The Integral framework is flexible and can be customised to include specific competencies for an organisation's particular strategic challenges.

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